Welcome to Tom's and Eka's Bali Vacation Home and Education Website


June right before she came down with the Swine Flu in the Tokyo Airport.

Tweety Bird

A-chen stuck to a wall by a velcro suit maybe two years ago 

Wish they invented that stuff when I was still a kid.

One of the Best Pictures Ever!

Allison so loves her sister, and vice versa. We are very proud of our daughters; they are wonderfully warm, graceous to strangers, always willing to help, and get along so well.

Allison reads to June at bedtime every night and then either Eka or I come in and read some more while A-chen reads on her own.

I still can't believe God gave me such a wonderful family; they are very patient with me.

We are so blessed to have received such awesome kids to take care of for the Lord!